20.000 Leagues under the sea. Reading task - Lesson plan – Adapted due to the lockdown period.
Teacher: Ana Suárez - Adapted - lockdown period - Date: April - June 2020 Subject: English - Task: 1st Reading 20.000 thousand leagues under the sea . Sudents will work individially. Objective : improve reading abilities, vocabulary and oral communication. Study the genre, the autor and literary elements of the novel. Standars: learning word meaning by identification strategies, , applying knowledge of language structure, and geography, science and art. Indicators: understand the literary elements of setting, characters, plot, symbols, themes, and point of view. Materials/Resources : book shared from the Internet. Teacher’s notes, students own notes, and audios from the Internet. Procedures : 1st: each student will have to write the answers to the questions given by the teacher on a document, this will outline what the students will write about. Each group of students will focus on a topic assigned and write a composition or create presentation, c...